
Friday, 11 November 2016

Choices, Judgement and Life after Death

                                 Today for Religious Education I made a word find using Puzzle Maker.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

How would you keep Guy Fawkes safe?

WALHT: Write a report of how to keep Guy Fawkes safe.

This is how I kept Guy Fawkes safe by following what it says on my Google Drawing report. If you had to choose of keeping Guy Fawkes safe and listen to these rules or would you ignore these rules and be risky and dangerous?

Invisible Forces!? Day Two

Wednesday, 2 November 2016


                             Today for Religous Education I used different words to describe Judgement, using Word                                                                             It Out.

Invisible Forces?!

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Who would you have chosen?

Image result for St. Therese
For my Confirmation, I would have chosen St. Thérèse. Because she would never give up in her downfalls and would never let anything get in her way. St. Thérèse was a really strong role model and still is to this day. Even though she would make mistakes, she would still know how to make things better to confess her sins to the Lord.

I am glad that I got to learn about St. Thérèse because I get to choose her as my role model for Confirmation.